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Benchmarking true performance starts by knowing the resource

Know the wind
on every turbine
at all times.

Our digital twin combines existing data with physics-based models, from resource to production. We deliver software + services to asset managers & performance experts.

Wind & Power reference time series, independent from the SCADA

Performance assessment and optimizations, all turbines at once

Continuous screening or reanalysiswithout any hardware

"Is it underperformance or lack of resource?"

Today's tools (alone) can't untangle this question

It's hard to know absolute performance

Commonly used tools, like nacelle anemometers, are often biased. More precise instruments like masts and lidars are only effective in specific locations and times, making consistent measurement difficult.

Finding optimization opportunities is challenging

Identifying areas for optimization requires significant effort, involving additional sensors, inspections, or analyses. These are resource-intensive and sometimes yield uncertain results, making it difficult to guarantee outcomes.

Changes over time can be missed

SCADA-based monitoring systems struggle to account for changes in uncontrolled parameters such as turbine software updates, wear and tear, and farm surroundings. This means important changes may go unnoticed.

Wind & Power reference time series

Combining reanalysis data, onsite data and physics-based modelling (flow, wakes, performance), our turbine-specific time series are fully independent from the SCADA.

With a constant accuracy on any turbine and terrain, it serves as a reference of the true site potential, taking into account all of its characteristics.

By taking physics-based atmospherics models and existing data


Tipspeed not only answers this question,


It helps you to understand where performance improvements are possible.

Continuous performance insights

Reference time series and insights are continuously updated and available through our online application, or your own performance monitoring and reporting processes.


Continuous screening of turbine performance allows to catch any changes, for example once a neighboring farm starts operating.

Contact us

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We look forward to speaking with you.
Use the form or reach out directly:

50+ years of experience built in wind

Performance assessment & optimizations

The digital twin's output can be directly compared with production data to identify deviations, characterize performance issues and potential gains.

Having wind speed and direction (and more) for each turbine simultaneously allows to find and fix unseen problems at scale, from yaw misalignment to curtailment plans.

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Samuel Davoust


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Florian Rebeyrat


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François Delaunay


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